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Birth Certificate Translation for USCIS

USCIS Birth Certificate Translation Uses:

One of the most commonly used and important documents required for immigration cases is the Birth Certificate. Birth certificate translations for USCIS are required because immigration officials require basic demographical information for all cases.

The most common purposes for birth certificate translations are:

  • Immigration (USCIS) Cases
  • Family Petitions
  • Asylums
  • Residency Requests
  • Deportation Cases
  • U.S. Passport Request
  • Academic Institutions
  • Employment Requests

How to Obtain a USCIS Birth Certificate Translation?

For a Birth Certificate translation for USCIS or any other purposes you can use a certified translation agency such as Florida Translate to translate your documents. You should use a certified translation agency to ensure that the translation is done correctly and avoid delays in your case.

In order to translate your document you will need a copy or scan of the original birth certificate.

Translate Birth Certificate USCIS
birth certificate

Do I need to notarize my Birth Certificate Translation?

Depending on your case, you may need a notarized birth certificate translation.

If you only need a birth certificate translation for a USCIS immigration case, you will not need a notarized translation and a simple certified translation will suffice.

Cases that require notarized birth certificate translations often include:

  • U.S. Department of State
  • Documents that need an apostille
  • Documents submitted to financial institutions

How much does a USCIS Birth Certificate translation cost?

Prices for a USCIS birth certificate translation are often between $25-50 per act. Many agencies charge by words and not a set amount per page. This means that longer birth certificates will cost more.

Agencies such as Florida Translate, charge a set per page fee. This means that you will not have to count the number of words to determine a price.

Translate Birth Certificate

Can I translate my Birth Certificate for my USCIS case?

No. USCIS prohibits translating your own documents. If you or someone close to you translates your documents, this can be seen as a conflict of interest in the case and the translations will be rejected resulting in delays within your case.

Ref: USCIS Manual Section 11.3:

"All documents submitted in support of an application or petition must include complete translation into English. In addition, there must be a certification from the translator indicating that the translation is complete and accurate and attesting to his or her competence as a translator."

This is why we strongly recommend that you obtain a certified translation from a certified translation agency such as Florida Translate.

Am I required to submit a translation for USCIS?

Yes. While USCIS has many officials that speak multiple languages, they require you to submit everything with an English translation.

If you do not submit a translation for your documents, your case will not be seen and you will be required to resubmit the whole case resulting in lengthy delays and high costs.

Additionally, a case being rejected could lead to deportation or expiry of applications and deadlines.


Get clear answers to your common questions. Learn about our translation services, pricing, and how we work.

  • How can I upload my documents?

    You can upload your documents for submission when placing your order. Otherwise, you can send them to and we'll add them to your order. 

  • Which certification should I select?

    Florida Translate is a member of the American Translators Association. 

    All translations include the standard certification. If you're unsure about the certification you require you can view our certification guide here

  • What is defined as a page?

    A page is a single sided document containing no more than 250 words. Should a page exceed this criteria, it would be subject to the cost of an additional page or $0.10 per word. 

  • Do I need to notarize documents?

    You can view our certification/shipping guide here to view if you require a notarization or a specific certification type. 

    We recommend adding notarization if you will submit your documents to:

    -United States Department of State (Passports)

    -Local, State, or Federal Court

    -Academic Instituions

    -Credential Evaluation Services

    -Apostille or Foreign Government Process

    You do not need a notarization for Immigration purposes with the United State Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

  • How long do the documents take to be translated?

    Please view our fulfillment times here. Your documents may be completed faster if you select Expedited processsing during checkout. 

    We also offer 2 hour delivery as an option for orders that are between 1-3 pages and when submitted from Monday to Saturday from 9AM-3PM. 

  • How will my documents be delieved?

    All documents are delivered electronically via Email. You may request physical shipping as an addon during checkout. You can view our shipping guidelines here to view if you require a physical copy. 

  • Do I need the original documents shipped?

    With physical shipping, we will send you the document, cover letter and notarization if selected, stamped with an official transaltor seal. 

    You can view our certification/shipping guidelines here based on the typical case types. 

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